Soon-To-Expire Password Users Report :

This report provides the list of users whose passwords are about to expire in a few days. It also helps you to take proactive measures, like enabling Password Expiration Notification, to deal with password expiration. Information provided in this report includes the date of the last password change or reset, the last logon time, and the password expiry date.

Report filtering and generation :

  • Domain : Specify the domain using the Select Domain option.
  • OU : Use the Add OUs option to specify OUs if necessary.
  • Number of days : Specify the number of days left for expiry using the User Passwords that will expire in option.
  • Exclude users : Exclude Disabled users and Smart card users from the report using the Exclude User option.
  • Then, click on Generate to generate the report.

Report customization :

  • Adding or removing columns : To add columns, click on the Add/Remove Columns option. In the Select columns to be displayed pop-up that appears, select the required fields under Available Columns and click on the right arrow (>>) to move it to the Selected Columns. To remove columns, select the unused fields under Selected Columns and click on the left arrow (<<) to move it to Available Columns.
  • Ordering the columns : The columns' positions can also be altered by selecting a value under Selected Columns and using the Up and Down options to change its position.

  • Sorting : Click on any of the columns except status column to view the report's entries in ascending order or descending order

  • Searching :

    Export and More :

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