Push Registered Devices Report :

This report generates the list of users who have registered for push notifications in the ADSelfService Plus mobile app. Information displayed in the report includes the domain name, the mobile OS (Android or iOS) and its version and the product details of the mobile device.

Report filtering and generation :

  • Domain : Specify the domain using the Select Domain option
  • OU : Use the Add OUs option to specify OUs if necessary.
  • Mobile OS : The Filter option can be used to filter the entries based on the mobile OS. The Disenroll column can be used to terminate a user's push notification registration.
  • Then, click on Generate to generate the report.

Disenroll Users :

The Disenroll option can be used to disenroll users users from receiving push notifications.

Sorting :

Click on Name column to view the report's entries in ascending order or descending order.

Searching :

Export and More :

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